all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 3HA 1 53.420211 -2.889648
L12 3HB 0 53.421396 -2.892352
L12 3HD 0 53.420018 -2.890261
L12 3HE 0 53.418848 -2.89293
L12 3HF 1 53.419061 -2.894484
L12 3HG 1 53.419579 -2.894857
L12 3HH 0 53.42036 -2.891457
L12 3HJ 0 53.421013 -2.888175
L12 3HL 0 53.420424 -2.89361
L12 3HN 0 53.421229 -2.89301
L12 3HP 0 53.42039 -2.888584
L12 3HQ 0 53.418795 -2.893997
L12 3HR 0 53.421101 -2.889712
L12 3HS 0 53.419555 -2.890868
L12 3HT 1 53.419481 -2.894734
L12 3HU 0 53.41935 -2.892986
L12 3HW 0 53.420642 -2.893344